Oh, to be the youngest of six children! What a perspective that child has! Laney keeps us on our toes. She often has a twinkle in her eye and a mini-lecture on her lips. And she's right about what she lectures more often than she's wrong! Being seven she's still easily tamed and quieted, though, at least by us parents. The brothers have more of a tiger on their hands. The best description of Laney is Spicy. We love this little chili pepper - make that a jalapeno.
Laney: Move your big hips. (to string bean Anthony)
(Laney preparing to wiggle, and possibly remove, a loose tooth....)
Laney (to all around her): Stop moving and stay calm!
Cousin Mark: Laney it’s too bad I couldn’t take you for that backflip on the snowmobile.
Laney: I’m sure I would like it. Maybe next time.
Dad: Laney, eat your food.
Laney: I can’t eat another bite, my stomach’s distended
Autie: Laney, here’s that picture I took of you trying to push over that pillar in Virginia.
Laney: But I couldn’t do it. I’m not Samson, even though I have long hair.
Mom: What?!
Autie: Huh?
Laney: You know, those stretchy things.
Autie: Bungees?
Laney: Yeah!
Laney: When can I get a new kitty?
Mom: It depends on when Fatty croaks. (our 15 year old cat)
Laney: But… I’ll be 19 when she doesn’t!
Laney: (speaking for Misty - the kitten we caved in and let her get) I’m allergic to pants.
Autie: Laney, what did Pastor Jeff preach on today? It started with an “M”. Blessed are the...
Laney: Meacemakers?
Autie: I’m so glad I wasn’t born in the 2000’s.
Mom: Why?
Laney: Cause the MUSLIMS would KILL ‘ER!
Mom: Laney, it’s 10 am and you haven’t eaten breakfast? What have you been doing, girl?
Laney: Made my bed. Got dressed. Then I roamed.
Mom: Laney, quit crying over Belle! She’s in doggie heaven!
Laney: No she’s not, there’s no such thing!
Mom: Well we decided there is.
Laney: God is the decider. Not you, Mom. (nervous laugh)
Autie: I was just watching Rob Bell’s NOOMA video about how the Holy Spirit could be a SHE?!
Laney: A ‘SHEEP”?
(After Laney watched, then smiled warmly at an elderly man at a restaurant)
Laney: (leaning toward Mom, looking earnest) I love old men. If I could, I'd scoop up all the orphans in the world and give each old couple one.....they'd just love them and love them.
Mom: Would you give them the naughty children, too? The ones that are high maintenance?
Laney: Oh, no, I'd keep those for myself until I could train them to be good....then I'd give them to the old folks.
(Elderly man and his wife stop at the table and talk with Laney on their way out of the restaurant - surely they'd get the first orphan, if she had her way. :) )
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