Friday, February 10, 2012

More favorite things...

Some little things that make me happy are:  good selection when looking for a product and, if it needs to be shipped, free shipping.  At both happy things are available!  

Recently I needed more castile soap for making homemade cleansers.  My sis-in-law gave me the heads up to try iherb, which I especially appreciate because I had already checked three local stores.  Gotta try to buy local, ya know!  

At iherb I found everything I needed, including the lavender and tea tree oils.  The prices were very good, free shipping, plus FAST shipping - Fed Ex! - made it a great deal and good shopping experience.  (If shopping is an "experience"!)

I also found one of the top three teas I've ever had - 
Not a tea drinker, but desiring a warm cup of something healthy  in the evening, I chanced it on this.  No need for milk or sugar - this stuff is just delicious all by itself! (Oh, do add some hot water, though, for those non-tea drinkers out there. )

My friend Kara is aware of my sweet tooth, so suggested a licorice tea a few years back. It was great, but my family didn't like the aftertaste - what aftertaste, I ask? - so I didn't buy it anymore.  Another tea I had that was incredible and I know nothing about, other than it's made the 'southern' way, was at the home of the family Phy is now with in Virginia.  (waiting for the apartment to be ready)  I need to ask Rhonda exactly the details, because I think I drank a quart!  And it was on ice!  So yummy and refreshing.  

I'm now a little more well-rounded.  I've enjoyed iced tea, not any ice-tea, though, special iced tea, and now I have a warm tea for those evenings when a book, a warm mug, and a comfy chair are calling.  If anyone else would like to check out AND get a discount, just put DUR761 in before checkout and I think you'll get $5 off your order.  Enjoy - but allow enough time - the selection is amazing!  (At least to us rural folks!)

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